Nurse Care

nursing science sharing

June 15, 2010

Diagnostic Examination cardio

posted by alfhi syahrin

Cardiovascular diagnostic tests can be classified into auditing "invasive" and "non invasive". Inspection is a non-invasive diagnostic procedures are performed without causing injury to the skin so as not to cause significant complications. This understanding is a bit inaccurate, since the blood sampling to check blood gases such as including the non-invasive procedure done with a piercing though the skin and blood vessels.

Cardiology examination is done routinely anamnesis, physical examination, EKG, chest x-ray images and routine laboratory examination. All others are classified in cardiology or cardiovascular examination special.

Cardiovascular Examination

Cardiovascular examination purposes is to collect information about the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.

The most common diagnostic procedure used to make the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease are:
-The laboratory.
-Inspection hemodynamics.
-Radiological examination
-Checks that use the procedure graph.

Laboratory examination.
Purpose of laboratory examination are to:
-Diagnose a variety of cardiovascular diseases
-To control for patients who have a high risk of getting cardiovascular disease (eg blood cholesterol checks).
-Define the basic data of patients
-Determine the things that may affect efforts to intervention (eg diabetes mellitus, electrolyte balance disorders).
-Evaluation of disease intervention.
-Monitoring of travel sickness

Examination frequently performed are:
-Calculate the types of complete blood: Erythrocytes, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, and leukocytes.
-Enzymes Heart: Creatin kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransfersi (AST), Lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH), CK-MB, and so on.
-Physiology of blood clotting.
-Concentration of fat in the serum.
-Concentration of electrolytes in serum.
-Blood Sugar.
-Analysis of urine.
-Analysis of blood gases.

Hemodynamic examination.
An important benchmark for determining the hemodynamic conditions were: central venous pressure, the pulmonary arterial pressure, cardiac output and intra-arterial pressure. To obtain these measurements must be performed invasive procedures.
Inspection Radio Charts.

Examination includes:
-Chest X-ray Images.
-Kateterisasi heart.
-"Radioactve Imaging."

Graph procedure.
Graphic techniques used to record images in the form of graphs of various aspects of heart function.

This diagnostic mode include:
-Inspection Electrocardiography.
-Examination Echocardiography.
-Test of cardiac loading (stress testing).

      Nursing tasks.

Duties of nurses in diagnostic screening efforts are among others:
-Provides inspection schedule.
-Preparing patients for tests.
-Ensuring maximum comfort both in terms of physical maupan emotional for the patient.

The symptoms that often arise in patients with disorders / heart disease. 
1. Chest pain. Is a common complaint was presented and can be caused by oxygen demand was not met.
2. Shortness of breath (dyspnea). Shortness of breath occurs due to decreased ability to function / work of the heart so that the amount of blood being pumped throughout the body of this berkurang.Hal also stimulate the respiratory control center to improve the speed of breathing. Shortness of breath can also be caused due to reduced left ventricular function who menyebebkan diastolilk end of left ventricular pressure (Left ventricle End ═ diastolic pressure LVEDP) increases, so that the blood-lung diparu unstoppable.
3. Palpitations (pounding). Is a common symptom of heart problems caused by organic disorders maupaun outside the heart as a result of anemia, hyperthyroidism, or infection. Other causes that are not pathological, such as hard work, eat too full, excessive smoking or drinking coffee. Complaints palpitations are usually a result of the increased heart rate (takhikardi), heart pounding hard (on aortic insufficiency) or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
4. Dizziness and syncope. A state of loss of consciousness due to sudden reduction of blood flow to the brain. This is due ole vasovagal effects, arrhythmias, excessive activity, spel hipoksik and carotid sinus stimulation baroreseptor.
5. Coughing. Is the image of the left heart failure that may be accompanied with pulmonary edema.
6. Fatigue. Tired quickly indicates that the heart is unable to pump an adequate amount of blood in the situation where the network requires an increased metabolism.
7. Edema. Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial cavities. Caused by the failure of the right heart pump function, the left heart or arteries.
8. Cyanosis. Bluish color is due to reduced oxygen levels in the blood. Cyanosis can be easily seen by observing the color thoroughly nostrils, lips, cheeks and retinal membranes lenders. Assessing cyanosis should be done in the daytime. Prifer and cyanosis can be central. Peripheral cyanosis can be caused by a decrease in cardiac output, vasoconstriction prifer and coldness, while central cyanosis caused by the mixing of low blood oxygen levels with high blood and oxygen known as right to left shunt or a right to be left shunt or pulmonary disorders as well as dimanasaturasi low blood oxygen.
9. Squatting. At the time the child was playing often do squat when crowded. This is a way of compensation for accident after making activity. Squatting action was to reduce right to left shunt and increasing blood flow to the lungs.
10. Difficulties in feeding / nursing. When suckling, the child will stop breathing and with the cessation of breathing will increase pressure intra torakal. Blood flow back to the heart also experience obstacles so that the blood being pumped to the heart also decreases. Children will feel tired and lazy to suck or eat with the result that child growth and development will be stunted.