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Cardiac function is influenced by four main factors which are interrelated in determining the contents sekuncup (stroke volume) and cardiac output (cardiac output), namely:
1. Initial load (preload).
2. Contractility.
3. End load (afterload)
4. Cardiac frequency.
Cardiac (Cardiac Output) is the main factor to consider in the circulation,
because cardiac output plays an important role in the transport of blood that supplies a variety of nutrients.
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the ventricle in one minute. The normal value in adults ranges from 5 liters / menit.Tetapi large normal cardiac output depends on the peripheral tissue needs for nutrients and oxygen.
Because cardiac output is required also depends on the large body size, it needs an indicator of cardiac function more accurately as "cardiac index" (cardiac index). Cardiac index obtained by dividing cardiac output by body surface area, of approximately 2.8 - 4.2 liters / minute in adults. Cardiac output settings of the two variables are dependent cardiac frequency and volume sekuncup.
Contents sekuncup / sekuncup volume is the amount of blood pumped out from each ventricle each heart beat is known as a content / volume sekuncup.
Contents sekuncup depends on three variables:
- The initial load
-The final load
Frank-Starling law.
-The greater the content of the heart during diastole, the greater the amount of blood pumped into the aorta.
-Within physiological limits, the heart pumps blood throughout the body back to the heart without causing congestion in the veins.
-The amount of blood the heart can pump in a small or large amount of blood depends on the amount of blood flowing back from the veins.
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