Nurse Care

nursing science sharing

June 13, 2010

Myocardial infarction

posted by alfhi syahrin

nursing, myocardial infarction is the death of heart muscle tissue is characterized by typical chest pain: a long illness of more than 30 minutes, does not disappear with rest or the provision of anti-angina.

Usually caused by coronary artery thrombus. The location and extent of infarction depends on the location of a clogged coronary artery.

According to the WHO criteria for diagnosis of AMI (Acute myocardial infarction) be upheld if any two of these three conditions, namely:

1.Nyeri typical dad.
2.change ECG
3.change serum cardiac (cardiac enzymes).

Complications that often occur at the IMA, among others:
-Heart failure
-Shock kardiogrnik
-Rupture (tearing) of the ventricles.
The pattern of chest pain

Chest pain resulting in disorders of coronary arteries can be performed with the clinical presentation varies, so as often complicate diagnosis.

Chest pain caused by coronary artery disease, ischemic pain has three separate components, namely components: 
-Visceral - is blunt and difficult localized.
-Somatic - sharper and has a dermatomal distribution.
-Psychological - such as subjective feelings of impending doom, anguish and fear that is not specific (a feeling called angor animi).

Clinical symptoms are highly individual because of differences otok nerve transmission and perception of pain in each individual.

Localisation of pain: substernal, may spread to the neck, jaw, left shoulder, left arm, especially the ulnar and epigastric.