Nurse Care

nursing science sharing

June 19, 2010

Conduction system of the heart

posted by alfhi syahrin

In cardiac muscle there is a special network that delivers electricity. The network has special properties, namely:
1. Automation - the ability to generate impulses spontaneously.
2. Irama - the establishment of a regular impulse.
Three. Conductivity - the ability to channel the impulse.
4. Stimulating capacity - the ability to react to stimuli.

Based on the above properties, the spontaneous and irregular heart will generate impulses transmitted through the system to stimulate the heart muscle conductivity and can cause muscle contraction.
Impulse trip starts from the SA node → AV node, until the fibers Purkinye.

SinoAtrial node (SAnode)
Called a natural for hyper-regular flow out electrical / cardiac impulse then moves automatically.
-In the normal state issued impulse frequency 60-100 times a minute.
SA-node can generate impulses due to cells "pacemaker" that emits impulses automatically. These cells are influenced by the sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves.
-When someone in a state of rage then increased sympathetic nerve stimulation and decreased parasympathetic nerves, resulting in takhikardi.
- "Valsalva maneuvers" causes decreased sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation increases resulting bradikardi.
SA-node is located near the mouth of the superior vena cava, and under normal circumstances the rhythm of the heart rate controlled by SANode.

Internodal tract
1. Deliver impulses from the SA node to AV node.
2. Internodal tracts consisting of: Anterior tract, Middletown tract and tract Posterior.

"Brachman Bundle"
Deliver impulses from the SA node to the left Atrium.
Atrioventricular node (AVnode)
It lies within the walls of the septum (partition) to the right atrium, right above the tricuspid valve near the mouth of the coronary sinus. Has two important functions:
Impulse-cardiac arrest here for .08 to .12 seconds, to allow for ventricular filling during atrial contraction.
Set the number of atrial-impulse that reaches the ventricles.
AV-node (AVnode) can generate impulses with a frequency of 40-60 times a minute.

"Bundle of HIS"
Function delivers an impulse from the AV node to the system "bundle branch."

System "Bundle Branch"
A continuation of the bundle of His which branched into two, namely:
1. "Right bundle branch" (RBB / the right branch).
2. "Left bundle branch" (LBB / branch left), which is divided into two namely:
-Deviation to the rear (posterior vesicle left), delivers an impulse to endokard left ventricular posterior and inferior parts.
Deviation-forward (left anterior vesicle), delivers the impulse to endokard left ventricular anterior and superior.

Purkinye System
-It is part of the tip of the bundle branch.
- Deliver / send impulses to both ventricles subendokard layer, resulting in depolarization followed by ventricular contraction.
- The cells in subendokard ventricular pacemaker can produce impulses with a frequency of 20-40 times a minute.

Hyper-hyper reserve has a very important function, namely to prevent the cessation of heart rate during natural pacemaker (SA node) is not functioning.
